At the Puresmile Dental Group, including Summertown Dental, we advise all our patients to report seeing even a small amount of blood when brushing their teeth. Bleeding gums should never be ignored as it could be a sign of gum disease. Treating bleeding gums quickly can prevent serious damage to your teeth and gums later on.
There are a number of reasons why gums may bleed during brushing. One of the most common causes is gingivitis, which is the first stage of gum disease. This is the stage where gums become inflamed due to bacteria and plaque build-up around the teeth and gums. More advanced stages of gum disease can also cause the gums to bleed.
If you have any of the above symptoms book an appointment with your dentist, today. They will help you identify the problem and may recommend a professional clean or surgery depending on the severity of the problem. Severe cases would be referred to a periodontist who specialises in treating gum disease.
This is the most important part to stopping gums bleeding and overall dental health. This would include brushing at least twice a day for 2 minutes each, flossing and interdental brushing once a dayand visiting the dentist regularly. A toothbrush with soft bristles can also help the gums heal.
Focus on foods that give the body nutrients to include fresh fruit and vegetables and wholegrains. A diet full of sugary foods will increase the risk of increase the risk of gum disease as sugar is converted into acid which attack the teeth and gums.
High stress levels can contribute to bleeding gums. Stress increases inflammation which makes gums bleed more readily. It also lowers your immune system so it takes your body longer to fight infections. Learn to say no to pressure when you feel overwhelmed.
Gum disease can be contagious. Your risk of developing gum disease increases if your partner has a lot of bacteria in the mouth. Try not to share items that contact another person’s mouth such as toothbrushes, drinks and utensils.
For further advice please contact the practice today.
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